Saturday, January 17, 2004

This is rich,, oh this is rich.
Again, kudos to Buzzflash for this one.
Seems Rush "The ACLU is ruining our country" Limbaugh is getting help from... the ACLU on the medical records issue.
remeber, this is a guy who says that drug users, including white drug users, should go to jail. This is a guy who says the right to privacy does not exist. this is a guy who says the ACLU represents everything that is wrong with this countr.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present attorney Roy Black, speaking for the defendant.
Got this from MSNBC:

Rush Limbaugh
Of Limbaugh’s many targets, it is hard to pick a favorite. But if you enter “Rush Limbaugh� and “American Civil Liberties Union� or ACLU into an Internet search engine, you’ll get 8600 results.

Sample items taken from Mr. Limbaugh’s own website:

September 12th, 2003:
“If this guy had burned that flag,� Limbaugh said, “the ACLU and countless other groups would be down there supporting this guy’s right to desecrate old glory. But because he’s flying the American flag respectfully, none of the so-called civil libertarians makes a peep.�

September 23rd, 2003:
“The ACLU has decided they’re not going to appeal the Ninth Circuit’s decision to reinstate the California re-call election... They must not really care all that much about you stupid minorities and poor people.�

December 23rd, 2003:
“Where have all these so-called civil libertarians gone, the ACLU and the rest of them, claiming our government is overreaching?�

Maybe I’m over-reaching, but I don’t think Mr. Limbaugh likes the ACLU. And something else he has shown an antipathy to—the right to privacy. Again, from his own website:

August 22nd, 2003:
“I warned you about this ever-broadening interpretation of the so-called right to privacy. It’s not a ‘right’ specifically enumerated in the Constitution or Bill of Rights.�

A quote that makes an odd preface to this next one:

December 23rd, 2003:

“Now they need my medical records, my private medical records to find out if I’ve committed a crime called doctor shopping? They now have to invade my privacy to learn whether I have broken the law?

I have some advice for Mr. Limbaugh: buy a pistol a rifle, or a shotgun (a .45 should do fine, although a 12 guage loaded with buckshot will also do the trick), insert it in your mouth, making sure you aim toward the roof so you avoid aurvival (which would be crippling and might make people feel sorry for your pathetic fat ass) and pull the trigger.
Or, draw yourself a nice hot bath, so hot it steams up the room. Have a couple of martinis, maybe an Oxycontin or two to dull the pain. Then take the utility knife, and bring it to your wrist. If you're not sure which way to slice, remember, it's "up the highway, not across the street." In other words, a good long gash heading from your wrist straight up in the direction of the crook of your elbow.
A nice note would help explain your predicament. Don't forget to write a will!
Oh wait, you don't have any children anyway, do you, you fat drug-addicted fuck? Oh well, maybe one of your ex-wives (three, right?) will want part of your estate.