Saturday, March 27, 2004

More on Crazy Condi

First of all, thanks to Alex at lexandromeda for forwarding me this great picture of Condi. Dude, if this keeps up, Condi's gonna blow a gasket.

Ok, now it looks like Condi's gonna appear on 60 Minutes to take swipes at Richard Clarke. I predict trhat this is going to go over like a lead balloon?
As the Washington Post, Talking Points Memo, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and the New York Times , and the LA Times have pointed out again and again, Condi refuses to appear and testify under oath, as Mr. Clarke has done. And the fact that she appears on television to make all these claims that she won't attest to under oath makes her look like she's talking trash, which she is. If there were any validity to what she's saying she'd testify publicly and under, as even Republicans like Bill "Liar" Frist are saying.
Condi can talk as much shit as she wants on 60 Minutes... but until she's under oath, it's all a load of shit. And can you trust that face?
Ugh, I'd rather wake up in bed with my grandmother. The dead one.