Thursday, May 29, 2003

Has anyone seen the way the Jessica Lynch story is brewing up?
FDirst, there was the stroy of her heroic rescue, the bullet wounds, etc. I won't link to those because everyone knows the drill here.
Shortly after that, CBS reported that Jessica "has amnesia" and remembers nothing of her rescue.
Then, the BBC dropped a bomb: in a special report, they said the whole rescue was faked. A hoax perpetuated by the miltary and the media. It was also reported in Britain's Guardian and the Independent. I saw the story in The Toronto Star and the Montreal Gazette.
About the only place I didn't see it was in the U.S. media, except once, in Ms. Lynch's hometown paper (Apparently, I'd missed Robert Scheer's editorial in the L.A. Times). Even then, the story was relegated to the Op-Ed page, as was Mr. Scheer's.
The Pentagon got very angry and denounced the whole thing.
The story finally made front page news today in the Philadelphia Inquirer, although as the Toronto Star reports "The parents of former American PoW Pfc. Jessica Lynch said Thursday they are not permitted to discuss details of their daughter's capture and rescue in Iraq." And Jessica's still got that convenient "amnesia."
The best amnesia money can buy? Or amnesia you can't refuse?
Who knows. All I know is that I feel like I'm living in some bad Stephen J. Connell miniseries. I mean, "amnesia"?
How old hat is that??