Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Oh the delightful things you learn about when you're expecting. And oh, the delight at sharing those delightful things with your friends.

"As the cervix dilates, blood and the cervical mucous plug (from the cervical canal) pass from the vagina. The bloody show is a classic indicator of beginning or progressing labor." This is from some pregnancy page.
So perhaps Sammy is making his move.

Another absolutely yummy thing to think about is meconium. Why Brendan, you're saying to your computer, what is this dainty thing called

From babycenter.com, the online resource that thinks I'm a pregnant woman. "36 weeks: This week, your baby
sheds most of her downy coating of lanugo [The fine hair that covers a fetus from about 26 weeks, and is sometimes still present at birth. A baby born at term
will usually shed the hair by the end of the first week after birth] and vernix caseosa — the cheeselike coating that covers a fetus in utero and protects developing skin. Some may remain at birth. The baby swallows both, along with other secretions, and all will stay in the baby's bowels until birth. This blackish mixture, called meconium, will become the baby's first bowel movement."

This disgusting morsel is hardly the baby's fault. It's just part of the natural process.

On the other hand, this disgusting morsel was thought up by grown-ups, no doubt the kind that do bong-hits for breakfast while doing IVs of granola and refusing to trim body hair or bother to wash. Yes, i am talking about the placenta
eating ceremony
. Barrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfffff.
You know who does this? The type of broad that refers
to herself as a wiccan (this site proves it). A google search pulled up more than 4,000 relevant sites. That is FUCKED UP.
"The Religio Romana is the practice of the indigenous earth-centered belief system of the ancient Romans. It began as a local farm-based religion and later developed into a State religion. The Religio Romana involves a collection of beliefs and practices honoring ancestral and divine spirits through precise actions and prayers in order to gain favor and achieve peace of the Gods (Pax Deorum)." Right, and eating placenta went hand-in-hand with this.
Reading websites like this makes me wonder if there are any weirdoes out there into mummification, Egyptian style. Do I dare do a web search? No... I think not.