Tuesday, August 16, 2005

More heading to Crawford

Former FBI whistleblower Coleen Rowley, along with a state senator whose son died in Iraq, are headed to Texas this week to join a growing anti-war demonstration near President Bush's ranch.

Rowley, now a Democratic candidate for Congress, and Sen. Becky Lourey will join a protest initiated by Cindy Sheehan, whose own son died in Iraq last year. Sheehan started the vigil Aug. 6, coinciding with Bush's summer vacation. She has said she won't leave until the president meets with her.

I'm gonna keep hammering this home.
Why'd her kid die? No one has an answer. I don't care about all the other bullshit noise from the left or the right: why'd he die? Why did I have to pay to kill this kid? How has his death helped the nation?
No offense, but I haven't seen shit in way of results, motherfuckers, and I hate "big gummint" just as much as you right wingers do. Why's this dude dead? What's the cause?

Right now Iraq is spiraling inexorably to an Islamic theocracy, allied with Iran: the damn game is over. It was a lousy play and now we're fucked.
What's the noble cause? Digging the rest of us out of the mess the Bush, the Republicans, and their Democratic enablers lied us into? None of their kids go fight, our kids gotta get calls from recruiters who can't even meet quota when they're scraping the bottom of the bowl?
Why'd her kid die? Bush doesn't have any answer, and doesn't have the balls to answer. Go ask Pat Murphy, Democrat and Iraq war veteran running for Congress in Pennsylvania.


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