Monday, November 22, 2004

One of the last emails I got from Trolly McTroll asked me why, if I wasn't interested in his comments, I was "airing [my] dirty laundry (moron)."

Well, the answer is two, maybe threefold.
One: just because the website is public doesn't mean I care what you have to say. What makes you think you're so important anyway.
Two: One man's feast is another man's posion: my "dirty laundry" is pretty much what fuels my writing.
Three: Some of us write for the sake of writing. God knows there never seems to be rhyme or reason to most of Bukowski's work or to most of Henry Miller's output either (in Miller's case, he does seem to be on a mission to employ as many variations on the word "cunt" as he can, but that' s skant reason for writing).

Trolly seized on one of the rare pieces of politics at this blog in the past year: as most of you know, I was doing political blogging for quite some time, but as I mention in another post, with fantastic political blogs like atrios, dailykos, pandagon, and juan cole, I began to feel like part of the echo chamber. Being part of the echo chamber seems to me more a role suited for the small-minded, the radical right, and the ill-educated who only know how to parrot what they're told to say.

So basically, I write because I like to, and I find my own life an endless source of amusement.
Anyone who's too stupid to realize shouldn't be visiting this blog. You simply won't understand.


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